Kingsley Okyere, the father of a first-year student at Aburi Girls Senior High School (SHS) who tragically passed away after complaining of stomach pains, is holding the school responsible for the incident, alleging negligence.
Mr. Okyere asserts that his daughter, Stacy, who had no pre-existing medical conditions, fell ill around midday, but the family was not informed until later in the evening.
Expressing his anguish, Mr. Okyere recounts receiving a call from his daughter's housemistress at 8 p.m. on Sunday, February 4th, urging him to collect Stacy and take her to the hospital.
Upon reaching the school, he was shocked to find Stacy unconscious on the floor, surrounded by her peers and the housemistress. Despite rushing her to Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital, Stacy was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Mr. Okyere questions why the school, despite collecting fees for health insurance, failed to promptly attend to his daughter's medical needs.
He emphasizes the urgency of the situation, highlighting the potential consequences if he had been unable to reach the school quickly.
With the school yet to comment on the incident and the body undergoing autopsy while in police custody, Mr. Okyere is demanding an independent investigation into the matter.
Additionally, advocacy organization Africa Education Watch (Eduwatch) is calling on the Ghana Education Service (GES) to address the situation to provide closure for all involved.