Kwabena Kwakye, known as Wofa KK, a well-known host of the political talk show "Boiling Point" on Oman FM, has passed away. He was working on Wednesday morning, February 14, 2024, and was participating in the morning program "National Agenda."
He took part in the discussions during the morning show and shared his views on President Akufo-Addo's ministerial reshuffle.
He is said to have collapsed at work and was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital.
Wofa KK was a respected figure in broadcasting, renowned for his substantial input on prominent shows like "Boiling Point" and "National Agenda," frequently filling in for the main host.
Prior to his tenure at Oman FM, Kwabena Kwakye was affiliated with Adom FM and also worked as a correspondent for Net2 TV.